Most of the excitement this week is in Denver at the AWP Conference, but there’s still plenty to talk about in poetry.

For instance, have you been keeping up with our National Poetry Month project? We’re only a third of a way through April, so there’s plenty of time to catch up on your reading.

I didn’t make it to Denver for AWP, but I followed the #AWP10 hashtag on Twitter, and it seems like the biggest hit was WILLA goes live! Wish I could have been there.

Seth Abramson pens an open letter to poets who hate the MFA. I expect this disagreement will continue for, oh, ever.

Speaking of never-ending disagreements, Harriet invited everyone back for National Poetry Month–everyone who’s been a contributor in the past, that is–and given the variety of voices they’ve hosted, there’s bound to be some fireworks. Have fun sorting it all out.

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